10 Feb 2022

TNPSC Local Government – Indian Polity

TNPSC Group 2 Local Government Questions and Answer:

TNPSC Indian Polity notes are consist of a lot of topics, in this page, we upload one of the Local Self Government TNPSC Notes, Questions, and Answers. Indian Polity study materials questions and answers, important articles, and PDF materials for TNPSC aspirants in English are provided on our site. The Local Government or State Government notes from the Samacheer Kalvi Class 8, Social Science books for Indian Polity are provided on this page. Candidates who prepared for TNPSC exams kindly go through the Indian polity syllabus for the high scores.The TNPSC Local Self Government in Indian Polity are provided on this pages.

TNPSC Local government Questions and Notes:

  • Local Self-Governments are institutions that look after the administration of an area or a small community such as a village, a town or a city.
  • Local Self-Government operates at the lowest level of society. It works at the grassroot level, close to the people, touching their everyday life.
  • Local Self-Government is the management of local affairs by such local bodies which have been elected by the local people. These local bodies provide services to the local community as well as act as an instrument of democratic self-government.

Local Self Governments since Independence:

The conceptualisation of the system of local self-government in India took place through the formation and effort of four important committees from the year 1957 to 1986. The Community Development Programme (1952) and National Extension Service (1953) became a basis for ‘The Great Charter on Panchayat Raj’ in 1957. The panchayatraj system was inagurated on October 2, in nugaur district of Rajasthan by the then Prime Minister Jawaharlal Nehru.

Local Government Historical Background:

  • The idea of local self government is a very old concept in India. It was at its peak under the later Cholas or the Imperial Cholas of Tanjore.
  • There are historical records of references to local self government under Mauryan administration. Local self government existed throughout the country with its own diverse characteristics of ancient India.
  • During the medieval period, local self governments had somewhat declined due to the onslaught of feudalism. It was revived during the British period in the last quarter of the 19th century, with Western orientation of training in democracy with Lord Ripon’s Resolution in 1882.
  • Lord Ripon was known as the Father of Local Government for laying the foundations of local self governments in modern times.

Under the Government of India Act, 1935 provincial autonomy was introduced. This Act came into force in 1937. In the provinces where the Congress formed its Government,  rural development received special attention. It was an essential part of Gandhi’s programme that Panchayat Raj institutions would be built from villages to the highest level.

After Independence, the Gandhian ideal of Grama Swaraj (Village Republic) greatly influenced the constitution makers. India being the land of villages, the creation of village panchayats became a social movement.m Restoration of panchayats has become an article of faith during our freedom struggle.

Lord Ripon:

  • Lord Ripon was the one who gave Indians the first taste of freedom by introducing the Local Self Government in 1882. Ripon took some steps towards liberalizing the administration in India. He formulated the local self government and made it clear that he was advocating for the decentralization of administration.
  • He tried to remove obstacles in the sphere of Local Self government by his resolution of 1882. He led a series of enactments in which larger powers of the local self- government were given to the rural and urban bodies and the elected people received wider rights.

Salient Features of the 73rd and 74th Constitution Amendment Acts (1992)

  • Panchayats and Municipalities will be ‘institutions of self-government’.
  • Grama Sabhas (Villages) and Ward Committees (Municipalities) comprising .
  • Three-tier system of panchayats at village, taluk and district levels.
  • Seats at all levels filled by direct elections.
  • Seats reserved for chairpersons of the Panchayats at all levels also shall be reserved in proportion to their population.
  • One-third of the total number of seats reserved for women.
  • Uniform five year term.

TNPSC Local and State Government Questions:

The TNPSC study materials and Questions on LocaL government in Indian Polity are given below,

I. Choose the correct answer.

1. Which committee was appointed by the planning commission in 1985?
(a) Balwant Rai Mehta (b) Ashok Mehta  (c) G V K Rao  (d) L M Singhvi

2. The Uthiramerur stone inscription show evidences of prevalent local self government during the period in Tamil Nadu.
(a) Chola  (b) Chera  (c) Pandiya   (d) Pallava

3. The 73rd and 74th constitutional Amendment Acts, were enacted during the year in ____
(a) 1992   (b) 1995   (c) 1997   (d) 1990

4. _____  act as the inspector of Village Panchayat.
(a) Commissioner   (b) District Collector   (c) Councilors   (d) Mayor

II. Fill in the blanks.

1. _____ is known as the “Father of Local Governments”.

2. Restoration of has ____ become an article of faith during our freedom struggle.

3. ____ was the name of the secret ballot method exercised to elect members to the village councils during the Chola period.

4. Local Government which is functioning in the Villages are called ____

5. ____ will look after the administration of the Town Panchayat.


  1. LordRipon
  2. panchayats
  3. Kuda Olai Murai
  4. Village Panchayats
  5. Executive Officer

III. Match the following:

1. Zilla Parishad – (a.)  Villages
2. Gram Sabhas – (b.)  Mayor
3. Ward Committees – (c.)  Chairman
4. Panchayat Union – (d.)District Collector
5. Corporation – (e.) Municipalities

1. (d)
2. (a)
3. (e)
4. (c)
5. (b)

IV. Find out the correct statement

1. (i) Panchayat Union is formed by a grouping of Districts.
(ii) District Panchayat is constituted in each village.
(iii) The Municipal Commissioner will be a person from the Indian Administration Service (IAS).
(iv) In Village Panchayat the President and ward members are nominated by the people.
(iii) is correct.

Click Here for Judiciary in India  Study Materials – Judiciary in India Question and Answer

Click Here for Complete TNPSC Indian Polity Study Materials –  Indian Polity Study Materials/Notes

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