TNPSC Group Exam Maths Questions with Solutions PDF – Simplification:
Aptitude and Mental Ability questions are more important for the TNPSC Group Exams. You will get 25 marks from that Aptitude and Mental Ability portion. Students who are preparing for the TNPSC Group exam concentrate more on the Maths Simplification Questions and Answers part. you will easily score more marks in the Mental Ability part. For students’ benefit, we upload aptitude and mental ability English and Tamil questions and answers in PDF for download. Go through TNPSC Aptitude Shortcuts to save time in the prelim exam. TNPSC aspirants can download and use it for the group exam. kindly download the TNPSC Maths PDF given below:
The TNPSC Maths – Simplification sum questions and answers are provided along with the PDF on this page. TNPSC aptitude study material in English and Tamil PDF available with question answers. Also, see Aptitude Shortcuts so that you will clear/solve question answers easily. TNPSC maths questions and answers in Tamil and English PDF are given below:
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Check the TNPSC Group Exam Maths Simplification Questions and Answers below,
TNPSC Maths Simplification Question with Solutions
1. The value of 5005 – 5000 ÷ 10 is
a) 5000 b) 4965
c) 4505 d) 4500
2. 11/4 = 77/?
a) 28 b) 77/28 c) 44 d) 308
3. 24. 3640 ÷ 14 x 16 + 340 = ?
a) 0.70 b) 3525
c) 4480 d) 9600 e) None of these
4. If a -b = 3 and a2 +b2 = 29 , find the value of ab.
a) 10 b) 12 c) 15 d) 18
5. If 2 tables and 3 chairs cost Rs.3500 and 3 tables and 2 chairs cost Rs.4000, then how much does a table cost?
a) ` 500 b) ` 750
c) ` 1000 d) ` 1500
6. If A’s salary is 25% higher than the B’s salary, then by what percent is B’s Salary lower than the A’s?
a) 33 1/3 % b) 25% c) 20% d) 15%
7. (8 ÷ 88) x 8888088 =?
a) 808008 b) 808080
c) 808088 d) 8008008
8. 3/5 of 4/7 of 5/9 of 21/24 of 504 = ?
a) 63 b) 659
c) 84 d) 109
9. If a/3 = b/4 = c/7 then the value of a+b+c/c is
a)1/ √7 b) √2 c) 2 d) 7
10. Simplify : 18 -[5 – {6 + 2(7 – 8 – 5)}] .
a) 13 b) 15 c) 27 d) 32
- C
- A
- E
- A
- C
- C
- A
- C
- C
- C