TNPSC General English Authors and their Literary Works – Author with the Short Story:
TNPSC Group 4 General English consists of three parts. Part A: Grammer, Part B: Literature, and Part C: Authors and their Literary Works. In this section, we discuss the third Authors and their Literary Works part. Actually, the Authors and their Literary Works part is easy & students who are preparing for TNPSC Exams can easily score maximum marks in this part. So, we provide the TNPSC General English Study Material – Authors and their Literary Works in an easy way for the TNPSC aspirants.
Look at the Authors and their Short Story below and also find other Part B Authors and their Literary Works part questions and answers links given below. Complete TNPSC General English study material/ complete notes, question and answers PDF available below for free download.
Authors and their Short Story:
TNPSC General English – Author with the short story is tabulated below.
The Selfish Giant
Oscar Wilde
The Lottery Ticket
Anton Chekhov
The Last Life
O Henry
How the Camel got its hump
Rudyard Kipling
Two friends
Guy de Maupassant
Pearl S Buck
The Open Window
A man who had no eyes
Mackinlay Kantar
The Tears of the desert
Paulo Coelho
Tammy Ruggles
The Piano Lesson
Rob Reilly
The face of Judas Iscariot
Bonnie Chamberlain
Swept Away
Susannah Hickling
A close encounter
Rex Coker
Caught sneezing
Oscar Wilde
The Wooden Bowl
Leo Tolstoy’s
Swami and the sum