Samacheer Kalvi 8th Science Unit 19 Book Back Answers:
Samacheer Kalvi 8th Standard New Science Book Back 1 Mark and 2 Mark Question & Answers PDF uploaded and available below. Class 8 New Syllabus 2021 to 2022 Book Back Question & Answer available for both English and Tamil Mediums. Class 8th Science Book Unit 19 – Movements in Animal Answers/Solutions are provided on this page. 8th Std Science Book consists of 23 units, All Science Book Back One, and Two Mark Solutions are given below.
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Samacheer Kalvi 8th Science Book Back Solutions PDF:
8th Science Subject 1 Mark and 2 Mark Solutions PDF available below. Click the Download option to download the book back 1 Mark & 2 Mark questions and answers. Take the printout and use it for exam purposes. Samacheer Kalvi 8th Science Unit 19 Answers are given below.
Science Book Back Answers
Unit 19 – Movements in Animal
I. Choose the best answer:
1. Which of the following parts of our body help us in movement?
(i) Bones
(ii) Skin
(iii) Muscles
(iv) Organs
Choose the correct answer from the options below.
(a) (i) and (iii)
(b) (ii) and (iv)
(c) (i) and (iv)
(d) (iii) and (ii)
Answer: (a) (i) and (iii)
2. Which one of the following organisms lack muscles and skeleton for movement?
(a) Dog
(b) Snail
(c) Earthworm
(d) Human being
Answer: (b) Snail
3. ……………… joints are immovable.
(a) Shoulder and arm
(b) Knee and joint
(c) Upper jaw and skull
(d) Lower jaw and upper jaw
Answer: (c) Upper jaw and skull
4. Why do underwater divers wear fin-like flippers on their feet?
(a) To swim easily in water
(b) To look like a fish
(c) To walk on water surface
(d) To walk over the bottom of the sea (sea bed).
Answer: (a) To swim easily in water
5. External ear (pinna) is supported by –
(a) bone
(b) cartilage
(c) tendon
(d) capsule
Answer: (b) cartilage
6. Cockroach moves with the help of its –
(a) leg
(b) bone
(c) muscular foot
(d) whole body
Answer: (d) whole body
7. Which one of the following categories of vertebrae are correctly numbered?
(a) Cervical – 7
(b) Thoracic – 10
(c) Lumbar – 4
(d) Sacral – 4
Answer: (a) Cervical – 7
II. Fill in the blanks:
- Movement of organisms from place to place is called ………………..
- ……………….. refers to change in position of the part of an organisms body.
- A structure which provides rigid frame work to the body is called ………………..
- Axial skeleton in human consists of ……………….., ……………….., ………………..and …………………
- Appendicular skeleton in human consists of ……………….. and …………………
- The place where two bones meet is termed as …………………
- ……………….. is attached to soft parts of the body like blood vessels, iris, bronchi and the skin
- ……………….. muscle makes pupil of eyes wider.
- locomotion
- Movement
- skeleton
- Skull facial bones. sternum. ribs, vertebral column
- Pelvic, Pectoral girdle
- Joint
- Smooth muscle
- Radial
III. State True or False. If false, correct the statement:
1. Skull in humans consists of 22 bones.
Answer: True
2. There are 12 pairs of ribs in human body.
Answer: True
3. Pelvic girdle is a part of axial skeleton.
Answer: False
Correct statement:
Pelvic girdle is a part of appendicular skeleton.
4. Hinge joint is slightly movable joint.
Answer: True
5. Cardiac muscle is a voluntary muscle.
Answer: False
Correct statement:
Cardiac muscle is a involuntary muscle.
6. The flexor and extensor muscle of the arm are antagonistic muscles.
Answer: True
IV. Answer very briefly
1. What is skeleton?
- The skeleton system provides the hard structure or framework to the human body which supports and protects the body.
- It is composed of connective tissues like bones, cartilage, tendons and ligaments.
2. What is cranium?
- Skull has 22 bones of which 8 bones are fixed together to form the cranium.
- It is called brain box since it protects the brain.
3. Why our backbone is slightly movable?
In the backbone, vertebrae are joined by gliding points, which allow the body to be bent back, front or side wards.
4. Differentiate axial and appendicular skeleton.
Axial skeleton:
The axial skeleton consists of the bones along the axis, or central line of the human body and consists of the skull, facial bones, sternum, ribs, and vertebral column.
Appendicular skeleton:
The appendicular skeleton contains the bones in the appendages of the body, as well as the structures that connect the appendages to the axial skeleton. It comprises the shoulder girdle; the arm, wrist, and hand bones; the pelvic girdle; and the leg, ankle, and foot bones.
5. What is ligament?
A ligament is a band of strong fibrous tissue which connects a bone to a bone.
6. Define Muscle.
Muscles are long bundles of contractile tissue, which has a fixed end (Origin) and movable end which pulls some other part.
7. Differentiate tendons and ligament.
- They are made of elastic tissue.
- They attach muscle to a bone
- They are short bands of tough fibrous connective tissues.
- They connect one bone to another
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