Project Hangul - Kashmir Stag

21 Jul 2023

Project Hangul – Kashmir Stag

Project Hangul in India: Reviving the Endangered Kashmir Stag

Introduction: Project Hangul, also known as the Kashmir Stag Conservation Project, is an ambitious and dedicated initiative aimed at reviving the population of the critically endangered Hangul (Cervus hanglu hanglu), commonly known as the Kashmir Stag, in the Indian state of Jammu and Kashmir. The Kashmiri government launched Project Hangul in 1970 with the aid of WWF. The project was later renamed “Save Kashmir’s Red Deer Hangul” in 2009. With a dwindling population and facing numerous threats, Hangul holds significant cultural, ecological, and biological importance, making its conservation crucial for maintaining the delicate balance of the region’s biodiversity.

Background: The Hangul, once widespread across the temperate forests of Jammu and Kashmir, has experienced a steep decline in numbers over the years. Rapid urbanization, habitat loss due to deforestation, poaching, human-wildlife conflict, and disturbances in its natural habitat have all contributed to its critically endangered status. In the early 20th century, it was estimated that around 5,000 Hangul inhabited the region, but by the turn of the millennium, their numbers had plummeted to less than 200.

Initiation of Project Hangul: Realizing the urgent need for action to conserve this magnificent creature, the Jammu and Kashmir government, in collaboration with wildlife experts, non-governmental organizations (NGOs), and international partners, launched Project Hangul in the early 2000s. The project’s primary objective was to reverse the decline in the Hangul population and restore its natural habitat.

Key Components of Project Hangul:

  1. Habitat Restoration: A crucial aspect of the project involves identifying and rehabilitating degraded habitats of Hangul. This includes restoring and protecting natural vegetation, ensuring adequate water sources, and minimizing human intrusion into critical areas.
  2. Anti-Poaching Measures: To combat poaching, the project enforces strict anti-poaching measures and collaborates with local communities to raise awareness about the importance of wildlife conservation.
  3. Community Engagement: Recognizing the significance of local communities in conservation efforts, Project Hangul actively involves them in various conservation activities. This includes providing alternative livelihood options and education on sustainable resource management.
  4. Research and Monitoring: Regular monitoring of the Hangul population and its habitat helps conservationists better understand the species’ behavior and requirements. This information guides the formulation of effective conservation strategies.
  5. Translocation and Captive Breeding: In an attempt to boost the Hangul population, the project has undertaken translocation initiatives and established captive breeding centers to breed and release individuals into the wild.

Challenges and Achievements: Despite the concerted efforts of Project Hangul, several challenges persist. The region’s political instability and occasional security concerns have sometimes hindered smooth project implementation. Additionally, the ongoing human-wildlife conflict poses a significant threat to both the Hangul and local communities.

However, Project Hangul has achieved some noteworthy milestones. Through a combination of habitat restoration, anti-poaching efforts, and community involvement, the Hangul population has seen a slight increase, providing hope for the species’ survival.


Project Hangul stands as a beacon of hope for the conservation of the endangered Kashmir Stag in India. Its holistic approach, involving habitat restoration, community engagement, and scientific research, serves as a model for wildlife conservation efforts across the globe. While challenges remain, the dedication and collective efforts of various stakeholders have shown that it is possible to turn the tide for this majestic creature and secure its place in India’s natural heritage for generations to come. However, continuous support, awareness, and sustained efforts are crucial to ensuring the success of Project Hangul and the preservation of this precious species.

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