Percentage Problems

12 Mar 2018

IBPS – Percentage Problems

Calculation of Percentage:

Let’s solve the problem “What is 30% of 80?”

Now, we can write: x = 30/100 * 80. The answer is 24.

Let’s start with the number 120. First, we create a quick chart as follows:

120 = 100%
12 = 10%
1.2 = 1%
60 = 50%
6 = 5%
Now, we can solve the problems using this base numbers.
Example 6% of 120 = 5% + 1% = 6 + 1.2 =7.2

One other type of calculation you must be adept is converting fractions, decimals to percents.

  • Percent to Decimal:move the decimal point two places to the left. For example, 42% = 0.42.
  • Percent to Fraction:place the percent number in the numerator and 100 in the denominator; simplify. For example, 42% = 42/100 = 21/50.
  • Decimal to Percent:move decimal point two places to the right, For example, 1.6 = 160%.
  • Fraction to Percent:first convert fraction to decimal, then follow the directions to convert from decimal to percent. For example, 5/6 = 0.833 repeating = 83 and 1/3 %.

Example, 0.54= 54% by moving two places which is nothing but 54/100
45% = 0.45 which is nothing but 45/100.

Remember the following to reduce your calculation speed.

1/2 = 50%
1/3 = 33.33%
1/4 = 25%
1/5 = 20% ; 2/5 = 2 x (20%) = 40% and so on…
1/6 = 16.66%
1/7 = 14.28%
1/8 = 12.5%
1/9 = 11.11%
1/11 = 9.09% and their multiples.

Click here to view example percentage problems: Percentage problems shortcuts and tricks pdf

Click here to view example percentage problems: Percentage problems questions and answers pdf

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