Mental Ability/Reasoning (Verbal) – Logical Venn Diagram
The process of Example of thing/number through the diagrammatic medium from the given group of elements is called Venn diagram.
Generally two types of questions could be asked from this.
Type I
Find out the number/thing: The questions asked fromthis .type contain a compound diagram, in which different places are denoted by different number/letters. Each diagramstands for different class. Candidates are required to find out the number of thing in a special class through these diagrams or the numbers used in the diagram.
Directions (Q. Nos. 1 to 5) Answer these questions based on the diagram given below
Example 1: Asian Non-Christian Females who are Professional are represented by
(a) 3
(b) 10
(c) 8
(d) 11
Solution. (b) Asian, Non-Christian females who are professionals are represented by ‘10’.
Example 2: Asian Females who are neither Professional nor Christians are denoted by
(a) 6
(b) 9
(c) 10
(d) 3
Solution. (a) Asian females who are neither professional nor Christians are denoted by ‘6’.
Example 3: Non-Asian Professional Christian males are represented by
(a) 10
(b) 11
(c) 12
(d) 9
Solution. (c) Non-Asian professional Christian males are represented by ‘12’.
Example 4: Christian Females who are Non-Professional and Asian are represented by
(a) 5
(b) 10
(c) 9
(d) None
Solution. (d) All Christians females of Asia are Professionals.
Example 5: The shaded portion depicts
(a) Asian Professional Christian males
(b) Non-Asian Professional female Christians
(c) Non- Christians Professional female Asians
(d) Non-Asian Unprofessional female Christians.
Solution. (b) Shaded portion represents Non-Asian professional female Christians.
Type II
2. Find out the Diagram: The questions asked from this type a group of some elements (things) are given and also some diagrams are given up/below. According to the question students have to find out the diagram, which classify the given group correctly or illustrates the relation between them. The main motive of asking these type of questions is to examine the capability of student to interpret the diagram by understanding the classes. Now, observe the relations given below carefully.
(i) The given diagram shows that a class is totally inserted in another, but not mixed
(ii) The given diagram shows that no-one class is distributed in anyone but they are partly related to each other.
(iii) The given diagram shows that there is no any relation between two classes and no elements are common.
Directions (Q. Nos. 6 to 9) Students are required to choose from the given five diagrams (a) to (d) as the answer choice, which best illustrates a relationship among the three given classes in the following questions.
Example 6: Entrances, Gates, Barriers
Solution. (d) Entrances can be Gates or Barriers. So, option (d).
Example 7: Brinjal, Vegetables, Rice
Solution. (c) Brinjal is a kind of vegetable but rice is different. So, option (c).
Example 8: Females, Mothers, Girls
Solution. (a) Mothers and Girls are both females. So, option (a) .
Example 9: Living things, Men, Table
Solution. (c) Men are living things. Table is different. So, option (c) .