SLPRB Assam Recruitment 2023 – 4435 Constable (UB, AB, Communication, Dispatch Rider, Messenger, & Carpenter) Vacancies:
State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam has given an employment notification for recruiting a Constable (UB, AB, Communication, Dispatch Rider, Messenger, & Carpenter) on a regular basis. Assam Police has announced new job vacancies for 4435 Constable (UB) & Constable (AB) Backlog posts for the Hills Tribe Category in Assam Police, Constable AB for Assam Commando Battalions, Constable (UB) & Constable (AB) in Assam police & Constable (UB) in APRO, Constable of Police (Communication) & Constable (Dispatch Rider) & Constable (Messenger) & Constable (Carpenter) in APRO Posts. Candidates with a 10th/ 12th pass can check the job vacancies at or see below. Check below for Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023:
Candidates with an HSLC or H.S. or Equivalent examination looking for government jobs can check various jobs below. Interested candidates go through the SLPRB Assam official website and apply till 01-11-2023. Also see Assam Police Constable Notification 2023, Job Location, Salary, Important Dates, Selection Procedure, Age Limit, Application Fee, and How to apply for Assam Police Recruitment below:
List of Assam Police Constable Recruitment 2023 Details:
Below are the State Level Police Recruitment Board (SLPRB), Assam Police Recruitment Details:
Vacancy Details:
- Post Name: Constable (UB) for Hills Tribe Category in Assam Police
- No. of Vacancies: 114
- Post Name: Constable (AB) Backlog posts for Hills Tribe Category in Assam Police
- No. of Vacancies: 01
- Post Name: Constable AB for Assam Commando Battalions
- No. of Vacancies: 164
- Post Name: Constable (UB) in Assam Police
- No. of Vacancies: 1645
- Post Name: Constable (AB) in Assam Police
- No. of Vacancies: 2300
- Post Name: Constable (UB) in APRO
- No. of Vacancies: 01
- Post Name: Constable of Police (Communication)
- No. of Vacancies: 204
- Post Name: Constable (Dispatch Rider)
- No. of Vacancies: 02
- Post Name: Constable (Messenger)
- No. of Vacancies: 02
- Post Name: Constable (Carpenter) in APRO
- No. of Vacancies: 02
Job Location: Assam.
Important Dates for Assam Police Constable Jobs 2023:
- Starting date for Submission of Application: 15-10-2023
- Last date for Submission of Application: 01-11-2023
Education Qualification:
- Constable (UB): H.S. or Class XII passed from Govt. recognized Board.
- Constable (AB): H.S.L.C or Class-X passed from Govt. recognized Board.
- Constable AB for Assam Commando Battalions: HSLC or Equivalent examination passed from a recognized Board or Council.
- Constable of Police (Communication): H.S. (Science) passed with Physics, Chemistry & Mathematics (PCM) from a recognized Board or Council.
- Constable (Dispatch Rider) & Constable (Messenger): HSLC or equivalent examination passed from a recognized Board or Council and must possess a valid driving license for LMV or MMV or HMV.
- Constable (Carpenter): HSLC or equivalent examination passed from a recognized Board or Council and passed prescribed ITI course in trade.
Age limit (as of 01-03-2023):
- Constable (UB) & Constable (AB) Backlog posts for Hills Tribe Category in Assam Police: Min. 18 years and Max. 30 years.
- Constable AB for Assam Commando Battalions: Min. 18 years and Max. 21 years.
- Constable (UB) & Constable (AB) in Assam police & Constable (UB) in APRO: Min. 18 years and Max. 25 years.
- Constable of Police (Communication) & Constable (Dispatch Rider) & Constable (Messenger) & Constable (Carpenter) in APRO: Min. 18 years and Max. 25 years.
(Check the Official notification below for age relaxation).
Selection Procedure:
- Selection is based on the Physical Standard Test (PST) and Physical Efficiency Test (PET).
Application Fee:
- No Application fee.
Important Links of Assam Police Constable Notification 2023:
Click here for official notification – Click here for Constable (UB) & Constable (AB) Backlog posts for the Hills Tribe Category in Assam Police
Constable AB for Assam Commando Battalions SI (AB) Notification
Constable (UB) & Constable (AB) in Assam police & Constable (UB) in APRO Notification
Constable of Police (Communication) Notification
Click here for online registration – Apply Online