TNPSC – Motor Vehicle Inspector, Grade-II Post
Applications are invited only through online mode up to 13.03.2018 for Direct Recruitment to
the following post:
Name of the Post and Post Code: Tamil Nadu Transport Subordinate Service
Name of the Service and Code No. : Motor Vehicle Inspector, Grade-II(Post Code 2119)
No. of vacancies: 113
Scale of Pay: Rs.35900- 113500
It is mandatory for the applicants to register their basic particulars through One-Time online
Registration system on payment of Rs.150/- (Rupees One Hundred and Fifty only) towards
registration fee and then should apply online for this recruitment. [The One-Time Registration will
be valid for 5 years from the date of registration. Thereafter, the registration should be renewed by
paying the prescribed fee.]
Date of Notification 14.02.2018
Last date for submission of online application 13.03.2018
Last date for payment of Examination Fee through Bank (State Bank of India or Indian Bank) 15.03.2018
Last date for submission of attested copies of documents along with print out of online application 25.03.2018
Date of Written Examination
Paper – I (Subject Paper) (Mechanical Engineering and Automobile Engineering) 10.06.2018 FN 10.00 A.M. to 01.00 P.M
Paper – II (General Studies) 10.06.2018 AN 02.30 P.M. to 04.30 P.M
For notification and registration click here: