10th English Book Back Question & Answers – Unit 4: The Aged Mother
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Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Back Answers – Unit 4: The Aged Mother
Samacheer Kalvi 10th English Book Back for Unit 4 The Aged Mother Supplementary Question and Answers below:
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Unit 4 – The Aged Mother
I. Rearrange the sentences given below in the correct sequence:
1. The son made up his mind to take back his mother home.
2. A farmer decided to leave his old mother on top of a mountain.
3. The governor realized his mistake and abolished the law.
4. Once in Shining, a cruel ruler declared that all old people must be put to death.
5. Using the clever idea of his mother, the farmer made a rope of ashes.
6. When the farmer bade farewell, she advised him to return home with the aid of twigs.
7. Filled with dread, he hid his mother in his home.
8. The mother dropped the small twigs as markers on the way to help her son return.
Ans: 4-2-8-6-1-7-5-3
II. Identify the character/speaker.
1. He gave orders for the aged to be put to death.
Ans: Governor of Shining
2. He considered the order to be the kindest mode of death.
Ans: The youth
3. She quietly dropped some twigs on the way.
Ans: The aged mother
4. Let not thine eyes be blinded.
Ans: The aged mother
5. Together we will follow the path, together we will die.
Ans: The son
6. I will think. I will think.
Ans: The aged mother
7. The truth must be told.
Ans: The farmer
8. He listened and meditated in silence.
Ans: Governor of Shining
9. Shining needs more than the strength of the youth.
Ans: Governor of Shining
10. With the crown of snow there cometh wisdom.
Ans: A well-known saying quoted by the Governor of Shining.
III. Choose the appropriate answer and fill in the blanks.
1. Shining was governed by a leader.
a. strict b. kind c. cruel d. diplomatic
2. The ___________was the principal food for the poor.
a. wheat b. brown rice c. unwhitened rice d. millet.
3. The road was crossed and re-crossed by many paths made by the _________.
a. hunters and woodcutters b. robbers and thieves
c. vendors and tradesmen d. wildlife photographers and trekkers
4. Gathering he made a soft cushion and tenderly lifted his old mother onto it.
a. dry leaves b. fallen pine c. broken twigs d. flowers
5. The governor demanded that his subjects should present him with a ______.
a. basket of fruits b. rope of ashes
c. flesh of animals d. bag of silverwares
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