02 Nov 2019

Election Provisions under Indian Constitution
Electoral System in India: The electoral system in India has been adapted from the system followed in the United Kingdom. India is a socialist, secular, democratic republic and the largest democracy in the world. The modern Indian nation-state came into existence on 15 August 1947. For the Election Provisions under the Indian Constitution complete notes PDF, check the link – Election...

02 Nov 2019

Official Languages of India
Introduction to Official Languages of India: Part XVII of the Constitution deals with the official language in Articles 343 to 351. Its provisions are divided into four heads namely, Language of the Union, Regional languages, Language of the judiciary, and texts of laws and Special directives. For the Official Languages of India complete notes PDF, check the link – Official Languages...

01 Nov 2019

Centre State Relationship in India
Introduction to Center-State Relations: The Constitution of India, being federal in structure, divides all powers between the Centre and the States. The Centre-state relations can be studied under three heads: For the center-state Relationship in India complete notes PDF, check the link - Center-state Relations PDF. (adsbygoogle = window.adsbygoogle || []).push({}); ...

01 Nov 2019

Directive Principles of State Policy
Directive Principles of State Policy Important Notes PDF: The Directive Principles of State Policy are enumerated in Part IV of the Constitution from Articles 36 to 51. The Constitution does not contain any classification of Directive Principles. However, on the basis of their content and direction, they can be classified into three broad categories, viz, socialistic, Gandhian, and libe...

01 Nov 2019

Fundamental Duties of India
Introduction to Fundamental Duties: The Fundamental Duties in the Indian Constitution are inspired by the Constitution of the former USSR. In 1976, the Congress party set up the Sardar Swaran Singh Committee to make recommendations on fundamental duties. The 42nd Amendment Act of 1976 added some responsibilities of citizens to our Constitution called the Fundamental Duties. This amendme...

01 Nov 2019

Fundamental Rights of Indian Constitution
Introduction to the Fundamental Rights: The Fundamental Rights are enshrined in Part III of the Constitution from Articles 12 to 35. In this regard, the framers of the Constitution derived inspiration from the Constitution of the USA. Originally, the Constitution provided for seven Fundamental Rights. At present, there are only six Fundamental Rights. Part III of the Constitution is rig...

01 Nov 2019

Citizenship of Indian Constitution
Introduction to Citizenship of the Indian Constitution: The word ‘Citizen’ is derived from the Latin term ‘Civis’. It means a resident of a City State. The Constitution of India provides for a single and uniform citizenship for the whole of India. Articles 5 to 11 under part II of the Constitution deals with citizenship. For the Citizenship of Indian Constitution complete notes PDF, ...

01 Nov 2019

Salient Features of Indian Constitution
Introduction to the Constitution of India: The Constitution is the fundamental law of a country that reflects the fundamental principles on which the government of that country is based. It is the vehicle of a Nation’s progress. More particularly, it is concerned with institutional fabric and the framework of the distribution of powers between the various organs of the government and be...

01 Nov 2019

Preamble to the Constitution of India
Introduction to the Constitution of India: The Constitution is the fundamental law of a country that reflects the fundamental principles on which the government of that country is based. It is the vehicle of a Nation’s progress. More particularly, it is concerned with institutional fabric and the framework of the distribution of powers between the various organs of the government and be...