08 Mar 2018

TNPSC Group 2A result 2018 – Tamilnadu Public Service Commision (TNPSC) had conducted the examination for 1953 personal clerk vacancies on 06.08.2017. And now the TNPSC Group 2A results 2018 has been released. So many lac of the candidates had written the CCS Group II-A examination without fail. The TNPSC Group 2A answer keys are already released. We hope you guys already verified your a...

08 Mar 2018

 Quantitative aptitude- Tips: Quantitative aptitude is meant to check your calculation speed with accuracy. You need to be perfect with your basic concepts as well as learn up a few short tricks and apply them to a variety of questions. Scoring topics in this section are: Data Interpretation Quadratic Equations Number series Data sufficiency Mensuration Time &...

08 Mar 2018

Simple & Compound Interest
Numerical Ability/Quantitative Aptitude: Simple & Compound Interest Simple Interest: It is the sum that is paid by the borrower to the lender for using the money for a specific time period. The money borrowed is called the Principal. The rate at which the interest is calculated on the principal is called the Rate of Interest. The time for which the money is borrowed is Time and the...

08 Mar 2018

ibps venn diagram
 Mental Ability/Reasoning (Verbal) - Logical Venn Diagram The process of Example of thing/number through the diagrammatic medium from the given group of elements is called Venn diagram. Generally two types of questions could be asked from this. Type I Find out the number/thing: The questions asked fromthis .type contain a compound diagram, in which different places are denoted by differ...

08 Mar 2018

Probability Probability is used to indicate a possibility of an event to occur. It is often used synonymously with chance. In any experiment if the result of an experiment is unique or certain, then the experiment is said to be deterministic in nature. If the result of the experiment is not unique and can be one of the several possible outcomes then the experiment is said to b...

17 Jan 2018

Boat and Stream Questions
Boat and Stream Questions: Downstream: In water, the direction of a boat along with the stream is called Downstream. Upstream: The direction of a boat against the stream is called Upstream. Formulas: Speed Downstream = ( u + v ) km/hr Speed Upstream = ( u – v ) km/hr If the speed downstream is x km/hr and the speed upstream is y km/hr then, Speed in Still Water = 1 / 2 ( x +...

09 Jan 2018

General Intelligence and Reasoning Test: General Intelligence and Reasoning Test occupies a prime place of importance in most of the Competitive Exams. It is based on Multiple Choice Questions which tests your logical and thinking ability to interpret a given question/situation and finding out the best answer out of the answer choices. 1. Syllogistic reasoning: Syllogisms are al...

09 Jan 2018

Computer Awareness : Introduction: Charles Babbage is considered to be the father of computing/the computer after his invention and concept of the Analytical Engine in 1837. But 1941 marks the birth year of computer technology with the invention of the Z3 by a German engineer Konrad Zuse. 1940-1956: 1st Generation (Vacuum Tubes) – General Computer Awareness for Bank Exams First g...

09 Jan 2018

General Knowledge - Basic Questions and Answers: Improving general knowledge is not a short term process. All you need is to start reading newspapers, Current affairs monthly magazines, Journals, and many more things. But in 15 days you can just read and memorize things. But general knowledge is just more than just reading and memorizing. Here in below, you get general knowledge - Basic...

09 Jan 2018

Quantitative Ability: Quantitative Ability tests the ability of a candidate to handle numerical data and solve numerical problems. Quantitative Ability section tests your ability to analyse and understand the problem rather than cramming. As the nature of every problem is different, it requires application of the mind and knowledge of the tricks, formulas, process of solving teach probl...